The firmware architecture is that of a command-driven state machine incorporating a generalized ramp whose controller is another state machine.  The actual ramping function is timer-interrupt-driven and subject to hardware and software interlocks for safety.  Command codes from the host computer consist of an ASCII character (the set '@' to '-', including the upper case alphabetic characters, 32 altogether), and up to eight integer  parameters (ASCII decimal strings) as required by the control function.

The general form of a command is 'c xx yy ' where c is the control character, and xx and yy are ASCII positive decimal integer strings.  <Space> characters are used as delimiters, and the command string may end with any non-digit character. 

In general the commands for the entire Daybreak line of instruments are the same.  The only differences are in the ‘T’ (test) commands that reflect the different mechanical design.  The legal sample position numbers likewise differ.  For the single sample system, ‘A’ and some of the ‘T’ commands are ignored.  Earlier 1100-series instruments do not support multiple detectors or alterable time bases, so these commands must not be used.  A new revision of the firmware is now available for the 1100-series (serial nos. 107-up) that makes these commands available.  Contact us for availability.  Current instruments return an ID and firmware revision number when the command ‘T15’ is sent.


Set data space                      'Dxx'                        xx=1-20 (C/point)


Set ramp rate                         'Rxx'                         xx=1-25 (C/sec)

                                                                                ramp rate may be changed during the ramp and takes effect

                                                                                with the begining of the next point


Vacuum                                  'Vxx'                         xx=0 (both off)

                                                                                      1 (bleed on-->main)

                                                                                      2 (main on)


Purge                                      'Pxx'                         xx=0 off

                                                                                      1 on


Cool                                        'Cxx'                         xx=0 off

                                                                                      1 on


Ramp ("Go")                         'Gxx'                         xx=0 stop ramp

                                                                                      1 start ramp


                                                                                For 2200 series

                                                                                xx=0 stop ramp

                                                                                      1 start sample ramp (not active if TEM selected)

                                                                                      2 start irrad ramp


Preheat ("Wash")                'Wxx yy' xx=0-700 (C)

                                                                                yy=preheat time (sec)


Stage preheat                        'Sxx yy'                   xx=0-700 (C)

                                                                                yy=stage time (sec)


Endpoint                                'Exx yy'                   xx=0-700 (C)

                                                                                yy=hold time (sec)


Cool-temp ("Low")              'Lxx'                         xx=temperature to start ramp after preheat or for BG


Send ("Query")                    'Qxx'                        send pt# xx


HV                                          'Hxx'                        xx=0 off

                                                                                      1 main HV supply on


                                                                                if multiple detectors present:

                                                                                      2 multi-detector PMT #0

                                                                                      3 multi-detector PMT #1

                                                                                      4 multi-detector PMT #2

                                                                                      5 multi-detector PMT #3


Calibrate                                'Kxx'                        xx=0 off

                                                                                   >0 on


Irradiate                                 'Ixx yy'                    xx=irrad time (sec)

                                                                                yy=0 pos="top"

                                                                                      1 pos="low"

                                                                                      2 pos="high"

                                                                                 pos+4 moves 770 into 1100 for irradiation and back after

                                                                                 pos+8 moves 770 into 1100 for irradiation and leaves it

                                                                                                (for batch mode)


Advance                                'Axx'                        xx=0-19 sample position

                                                                                      0-59 for 1150 (0, 20, 40 invalid), or 2200     


Set time bases                       'Bx1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4'

                                                                                  x=1-255 num of ticks/base

                                                                                  y=1-255 num of msec/tick

                                                                                sets the four time bases: length of each time base is x*y msec

                                                                                 - it is better to have y as large as possible

                                                                                 - for 2200 and 1100-series revision 3.


Jump                                       'Jxx'                          xx=0-19 (0-59 for 1150)  jumps to position - no load

                                                                                                (for irradiation)


Reset ("Zero")                      'Z'                            initialize 1100


Setpoint ("at")                      '@xx'                       xx=0-700 (C) setpoint temp


Oven                                      'Oxx'                        xx=0 oven power disabled

                                                                                      1 oven power enabled


                                                                                 For 2200 series:

                                                                                xx=0 oven power disabled

                                                                                      1 sample power enabled (nichrome only)

                                                                                      2 irrad power enabled


Control TEM temperature  (only for 2200 series)

                                                '\nn'                         nn=1-200 for 1-200 degC

                                                                                       0 turns TEM off


Sample-back                          '^'                             back to platter for jump

                                                                                (use 'M' here)


Sample-back                          'M'                           back to platter for jump


Test (mechanical - 1100 and 1150

                                                'Txx'                         x= 0 arm in to pos sensor

                                                                                     1 arm out to pos sensor

                                                                                     2 platter --> sensor

                                                                                     3 elevator down absolute

                                                                                     4 rotate one

                                                                                     5 arm in

                                                                                     6 arm home

                                                                                     7 arm out

                                                                                     8 elevator home

                                                                                     9 elevator low position

                                                                                    10 elevator high

                                                                                    11 home platter ( 0-19)

                                                                                    12 mid platter  (20-39)

                                                                                    13 high platter (40-59)

Test (mechanical - 1150 only)


                                                'Txx'                         xx=17 platters down to pos

                                                                                      18 platters up to pos


Test (mechanical - 2200 only)

                                                'Txx'                         xx= 0 platter to pos CCW

                                                                       1 platter to pos CW

                                                                                       2 backlash remove (if CW)

                                                                                       3 brake

                                                                                       4 rotate one CCW

                                                                                       5 rotate one CW

                                                                                       6 high speed

                                                                                       7 low speed

                                                                                       8 irrad elevator down

                                                                                       9 irrad elevator up

                                                                                      10 -

                                                                                      11 sample elevator down

                                                                                      12 sample elevator up

                                                                                      13 -


Test (status)                         'Txx'                         xx=14 status dump

                                                                                      15 variable dump

                                                                                      16 OSL variable dump

                                                                                ('T15' and 'T16' return empty pages for 1150 system)

                                                                                ('T14' does nothing for 2200)

                                                                                In new models 'T15' returns firmware version string


Write to expansion              'T19 nn mm'           nn=offset from expansion base address

                                                                                mm=0-255 value to be written


Transfer 770 irradiator         'T20 nn'                  nn=0 irradiator over irradiator port

                                                                                       1 irradiator back


Set number of detectors      'T21 nn'                  nn= num of detectors (1 is default).  The number of characters in

                                                                                the  serial data string will increase by six for each additional



Set default time between points (2200  and 1100-series revision 3.0 only)

                                                'T22 x y'                  x=1-255 num of ticks/point

                                                                                y=1-255 num of msec/tick

                                                                                (x*y is the time in msec between points - it is better to have

                                                                                y as large as possible)


Enter OSL timebase data

                                                'Xnn xx yy zz'         nn=number of 10msec points

                                                                                xx=number of 100msec points

                                                                                yy=number of 1sec points

                                                                                zz=number of 10sec points


Reset error code                   '_'                            resets errors


Control 862                            '[nn mm'  sets excitation filter where


                                                                                  mm=0-7 (filter wheel position)


                                                                                or selects Xe lamp where




IR LEDs select(862)             '[2 1'                        selects IR LEDs


Control OSL LEDs               'Nxx yy'                   xx=0-4095 for 0-100% power

                                                                                      0 - turns them off,

                                                                                    >0 - turns them on.

                                                                                yy=0,1 IR LEDs

                                                                                yy=2 external shutter, or Xe lamp shutter or visible LEDs


Multiple solid state device control for the 2200 series

                                                'Nxx yy'                   xx=0-4095 for 0-100% power

                                                                                      0 - turns all light sources off,

                                                                                   >0 - turns selected source (yy) on.

                                                                                yy=0,1 IR LEDs constant power

                                                                                yy=2 green/blue/external shutter

                                                                                yy=3 reserved


                                                                                xx>0 - power increment and start level of ramp

                                                                                yy=4,5 IR LEDs linear modulation

                                                                                yy=6 green/blue linear modulation

                                                                                yy=7 reserved

                                                                                NOTE: power increment added at end of each counting period.

                                                                                It is recommended that a single timebase be used.  If the power

                                                                                level after an increase should exceed 4095, actual power level

                                                                                will be (level mod 4095).



Start/stop OSL program      'Uxx yy zz'              as for "N", with the additional third parameter

                                                                                zz=0 start point number at 0

                                                                                      1 start at 1 (for Daybreak OSL software)


Detector filter select            'Fnn'                        nn=0-3 filter number in four-filter changer



Set DAC value                      'Ynn'                       nn=0-4095